Cordova Alaska Gallery Paintings by David Rosenthal
above Queen's Chair View, Cordova Alaska painting
Childs Glacier Painting, Cordova Alaska Miles Glacier Painting, Cordova, Alaska Saddlebag Glacier Lake Painting Cordova, AK
This Cordova, Alaska landscape paintings gallery shows a variety paintings of landscapes and glaciers around Cordova, Alaska and within Prince William Sound. Artist David Rosenthal explores, sketches and paints daily, resulting in a very large body of work that realistically capture the breath taking beauty of the area. David teaches art and shows his work at his home gallery by appointment in Cordova, Alaska. A visit to the Cordova Center in downtown Cordova is worth the effort, on the wall near the Cordova Museum there are three super sized landscape paintings on just completed 2019 work that David recently donated to the community. While in the building be sure to wander through the Cordova museum for a rewarding cultural experience.